The Journey to attaining a fit body is not an easy task after having kids. Many of us gain an extra amount of weight which is very difficult to shed. While some of us might have lost all the weight but body aches and fatigue become a part of our life. As we are constantly running after our children as well as our work and the extra duties, we forget to take care of ourselves. I have given below a few Salad recipes which you could try either when you are trying to lose weight or to add a healthy snack to your diet. Whenever we hear about salads, we tend to visualize them as something which is not tasty. But that is not the case. You can make the recipes interesting and tasty while deriving the nutrients as well.
Chickpea Salad Recipe
Being an excellent source of protein, fiber, carbohydrates, folate, and healthy fats, chickpeas make a great ingredient for a quick salad recipe. You can get 15 grams of protein and 12.5 grams of fiber from one cup of chickpeas. Below is a recipe:
- 1 cup of soaked chickpeas
- One cucumber
- One tomato
- A half cup of boiled corn
- One onion (optional)
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- Black salt or salt (According to taste)
- pepper- half a teaspoon
- olive oil- half teaspoon
Chop all the vegetables into fine little pieces. In a bowl, mix the soaked chickpeas with corn and all the vegetables. Add salt, pepper and olive oil and mix them well. Add the lemon juice and you are good to go. It takes very little time to prepare it. You can either eat this as a snack or with your lunch.
Chickpea with Paneer (Cottage Cheese) recipe
Another food high in protein is paneer or cottage cheese. Protein plays an important part if you are trying to lose weight. As it takes longer to digest, it gives you the feeling of fullness. The appetite-reducing hormones like GLP-1, CCK, and PYK get increased resulting in less craving which helps in weight loss. Below is a very easy salad recipe which can also be substituted for lunch.
- 3 cups boiled chickpeas
- 1 Bell pepper
- 1 cup paneer (cottage cheese) (You can grill or saute the paneer for added taste)
- A half-cup of chopped parsley
- A teaspoon of olive oil
- pepper- Half teaspoon
- paprika-Half teaspoon
- chaat masala- Half teaspoon
- Salt to taste
Dice all the vegetables into small pieces. Add the chickpeas, paneer, and vegetables to a bowl. Add olive oil, parsley, pepper, paprika, salt, and the chaat masala and mix them well. Your salad is ready.
Walnuts with leafy vegetables
Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, walnuts have been found to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes. Walnuts contain high levels of polyunsaturated fats which may stimulate your body to lose weight faster. You can prepare this weight loss salad recipe making them more enjoyable to consume.
- Chopped lettuce- 1 cup
- A half-cup of walnuts
- Chopped Chinese cabbage- 1 cup
- Chopped tomatoes- 1 cup
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- Half teaspoon of pepper
- 2 teaspoon of lemon juice
- Salt to taste
Mix the leafy vegetables with the chopped tomatoes. Add salt, honey, pepper, and lemon juice. Mix them well. Add the walnuts. The honey and lemon together will give a sweet and sour taste to the recipe.
Watermelon with almonds
This summer fruit is low in fat and calories. This weight loss salad recipe is perfect for a hot summer day. While mixed with almonds this recipe will provide you the added nutrients that watermelon doesn’t have.
- 2 cups of chopped watermelon
- A half-cup of chopped almonds
- A teaspoon of chopped basil
- Half teaspoon of grated ginger
- 1 teaspoon of honey
Add the watermelon and the chopped almonds to a bowl. Now add the honey and mix well. then add the basil and ginger to the mix. This recipe will provide you a cooling effect along with the goodness of basil and ginger.
Carrot pomegranate salad recipe
Rich in antioxidants, conjugated linolenic acid, and polyphenols, pomegranate helps in burning fat and losing weight. Along with carrot which is a good source of fiber, you can prepare a healthy and delicious salad.
- pomegranate- 1 cup
- carrots- 1 cup
- 1 teaspoon chopped mint leaves
- Half cup soaked chickpeas
- 3 teaspoon lemon juice
- Half teaspoon sesame seeds
- Salt to taste
Cut the carrots into julienne strips. Mix the carrots, pomegranates, chickpeas, and mint leaves in a bowl. After adding the lemon juice and salt, mix them well. Then add the sesame seeds and you are ready to devour a tasty dish.
Fruit Salad with yogurt
We all know yogurt is high in protein. Yogurt can speed up your body’s fat-burning engines. It has also been seen that regular yogurt-eater lost more weight from the stomach area than those who do not eat yogurt. The fruits that I have mentioned are also the ones that are very beneficial for weight loss.
- chopped apples- 1 cup
- peeled oranges, each cut into half- 1 cup
- blueberries- 1 cup
- pear- 1 cup
- pomegranate seeds- 1 cup
- yogurt- 1 cup
- 2 teaspoon of honey (if you want the sweet taste)
- Salt to taste (If you prefer salty)
- 1 teaspoon of pepper
Mix all the fruits in a bowl. Add honey or salt and pepper according to your preference. Then add the yogurt and mix them well. A very simple and tasty recipe indeed!
Well try these mouth-watering salads and let us know if you have liked it or not. These salads can also be made in a number of variations. Pair it up with your favorite fruits or vegetables and just munch it up. It is good for not only losing weight but it is super duper healthy for your body. If you have some other recipes which are equally healthy then share in the comments below. Share if you have found this article helpful and good.
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